

Education is very important for every child.

Samarpan Sansthan was established in 2003 to provide education to children. Today, it has grown in scope and reach with a focus on high quality, low cost, and replicable interventions which addresses the lapses in the education system.
Apart from providing elementary education to kids, we also provide education at higher level in the form of technical & professional courses.

We also work for women empowerment. We are on a mission of eradicating social evils against women and female children. We believe in eliminating evils like feticide, infanticide, malnutrition, molestation, rape that are endangering the very existence of female children.

Our NGO putting effort to support Poor Children for their Education, Labour, Children Care, Health and Welfare in India.

To develop and manage the training institutions in typing shorthand, computer,arts,crafts,music,painting,tailoring,yoga,Modeling,dancing,naturopathy,Ayur veda, physical education, audio-visual Training, smart classes, skill development programs and in other professional training subjects in govt. and private schools, colleges and rural & urban areas with the approval of concerned authorities.

Donate now so that children can enjoy a future full of opportunities because of the quality education they receive today.